The Employment and Resource Center at HECC helps adults prepare for and find jobs. HECC also has specific opportunities for people re-entering from prison with multiple needs including employment.
The Fresh Start Training Program
The Fresh Start Training Program is open to anyone in the community who has barriers to employment, which includes those who have criminal background. The workshop will help you build on the skills you already have and grow your confidence.
The two-week workshop focuses on:
- Designing and writing a resume
- Networking with employers and marketing yourself
- Searching for jobs that match your skills
- Practicing interviewing
Re-Entry Program
Re-Entry: The transition from incarceration to life in a community.
The Howard & Evanston Community Center’s re-entry support program is designed to help people who have been incarcerated or impacted by the criminal justice system. We support you in your journey to meet your needs. Re-entry program case managers are partners to help you meet your immediate needs and focus on achieving longer term goals. HECC is one of only five site in Chicago with this program.
We also help participants find the following through other organizations and services:
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Drug treatment
- Legal services
- Expungement
And more! Please ask!
Visiting Prisons
HECC staff also visit prisons throughout Chicagoland to talk about the services offered to people coming out of prison. People currently incarcerated can also contact HECC before their release from prison to let us know what they need ahead of time.
CTA Second Chance Program
The CTA Second Chance Program is a special job training opportunity from the Chicago Transportation Authority (CTA).
The program runs for nine months and provides on-the-job experience with the CTA and is a good way to jump-start a long-term and meaningful career. The program is paid!
Phone: 773.262.3515